You Matter

Hoe gesonder jou konsep van jouself is, hoe meer selektief sal ander se opinies jou self-definisie omvergooi.


The Therapy Service  entails the Socio Cognitive Neuroscience approach in which the areas of analysis include: The Social level, including motivational social factors; The Cognitive level, focusing on information processing mechanisms influencing various social aspects and; The Neural Level, concerned with the basic brain mechanisms causal to the cognitive processes. The diet and health of the Client is thus also brought into serious consideration. All these areas of therapy will be based on prayer and applied though prayer ministry where applicable.

The aim of this Therapy to assist you, the Client to attain a life of wholeness – i.e. a whole heart. When living from a whole heart you will be true to yourself and others without fear and thus adding quality and wise support to the community. Knowing you are living a life of significance!

Therapy will thus include the following services:

Gerdi van den Berg

I had a long journey before my heart settled as a therapist. But it was absolutely worth every bump and dip. Wisdom is often gained during the rough rides and in going through the challenges life frequently delivers. In the end, it can all work for the good and in perfect harmony, setting you up to be who you were supposed to be all along.

I am here to resonate Creator God’s calling to heal the broken hearted – and it is the joy of my heart to witness my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, so often at work in us as He heals and transforms and so draws us closer to Him! It is all about Him, the One who begins and finishes: He breaths his life into us, then renews life when disregard and abuse have knocked that very life-joy from us.


Socio Cognitive Neuroscience Approach

Dr. Van Den Berg uses the Socio Cognitive Neuroscience approach in which the areas of analysis include: The Social level, including motivational social factors; The Cognitive level, focusing on information processing mechanisms influencing various social aspects and The Neural Level, concerned with the basic brain mechanisms causal to the cognitive processes. The diet and health of the Client is thus also brought into serious consideration. All these areas of therapy will be based on prayer and applied though prayer ministry where applicable. The aim of this Therapy to assist you, the Client to attain a life of wholeness – i.e., a whole heart. When living from a whole heart you will be true to yourself and others without fear and thus adding quality and wise support to the community. Knowing you are living a life of significance!

Values & Vision

I believe every human being has the right to know Him, to know how magnificently He created us and to choose. May the choice be know Him and to embrace the identity you have in His love for you. Then your heart will be at home.


To be part of the Kingdom of God’s mission to pursuit the broken hearted until they discover the truth about themselves.
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